Photograph Editing/Ads and Art


I am currently in the process of taking orders for custom art pieces of Second Life member's avi's.
If you would like to talk to me about possibly ordering a piece, please do IM me or drop me a notecard at Naminaeko Resident, in world and I will get back to you in a timely manor.

The following prices are just a rough estimate of what each piece would cost. Depending on the work involved, time it takes, and how much the individual wants, prices will vary.

  • Sketch: Starts at $500L (single person, about 20 - 30 minutes of work)
    • Price goes up if more than one avi and if sketch becomes more detailed.
  • Painting: Starts at $1000L (single person, can take anywhere from 1-2 hours to 6+)
    • Depending on detail, coloring, how realistic or cartoonish, price will vary

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Photograph Editing/Ads:
I am sell custom edited photographs and Ads. Listed bellow are details regarding ordering and set started prices. If you have any inquiries about anything stated here, please send me a flickr mail and I will get back to you a.s.a.p.

I offer odd, twisted, painted styled photograph edits. Each picture will be transformed drastically from the original image. Simpler editing is available as well.
  • Single Edit: $1000L
  • Couples Edit: $2000L
  • Group Edit: $2000L +500 after first two people
    (aka, for a group shot of 3 people it would cost 2500L and so on and so forth)

I am taking orders for ad editing from anyone who would like one. I have two payment plans.

  • Single Edits: this includes only one ad for editing.
      Set Price: $1000L 
  • Batch Edits: this includes a 'line' or series of ads done by me. Pricing will vary depending on amount of detail/time it takes for each piece.
       Set (starting) Price: $900L* (per picture in set)
  • Repeat Customer: Each ad after your first commission, will be discounted to $800L a picture.

*this price is subject to change depending on clients needs

~ Sample Work ~ 
(all works currently are females, working on male samples)